Honored to have been interviewed by fellow playwright Adam Szymkowicz for his blog “I Interview Playwrights.”
Here’s an excerpt:
Q: Tell me, if you will, a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a writer or as a person.
A: I started off wanting to be an actor. My father (now retired) was an English professor at Texas Lutheran College (now Texas Lutheran University), and my mother a middle school English teacher, so I lived in a literary house growing up with rooms and rooms full of books. And my father directed a lot of the community theater productions as well as some college productions in Seguin while I was growing up. When I was about 7 or 8 my dad asked me to play the Indian Prince (or the “Changeling Boy”) in an outdoor college production of MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM. This is the child that Titania takes care of and fawns all over, and Oberon is somewhat jealous and wants the boy to be his own henchman. I was a shy kid, and I wasn’t particularly interested in doing it, but my dad bribed me by saying that I could climb a tree. I was very much into climbing trees, so I finally agreed to do the little part. Well, I discovered even at that young age that I kind of liked being fawned over by scantily clad fairy college women. I think I was probably hooked on theater at that point.
I don’t know if that explains who I am as a person, but that’s how I got the theater bug.
Please click below to read the interview: