Stephen Bittrich Sings! New Song by Amity Rose for “The Conspiracy Theorists” Web Series
Honored to have been able to sing this brand new song by Amity Rose. The character of CLORG, an alien from another planet, reflects on humanity and love.
Honored to have been able to sing this brand new song by Amity Rose. The character of CLORG, an alien from another planet, reflects on humanity and love.
13 Episodes are now available for Stephen Bittrich’s new web series, “The Conspiracy Theorists.” Welcome to the bi-monthly meeting of People Uncovering Subterfuge (PUS) which the uninitiated lemmings might describe as a conspiracy theorists’ group. The band is led by… Continue Reading
If you’ve ever wondered where CLORG came from, where he’s been, who is after him – this episode featuring the Top Secret Area 51 briefing from Colonel Jerome Tully (once a friend to CLORG) has all the answers… “The Conspiracy… Continue Reading
The web series, “The Conspiracy Theorists” releases a musical episode featuring a brand new song written by Amity Rose called “Follow the Lieder.” This episode is directed by Megan McGeary (aka, Amity Rose). Series created by Stephen Bittrich. Produced by… Continue Reading