FronteraFest 2016 is a festival of one-acts and short theatrical pieces under 25 minutes each which will be performed at Hyde Park Theater in Austin, Texas. (Go to Hyde Park site for tickets.) My play, Two Eggs, will be among the pieces, and our date is Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016. The fest is produced in collaboration with Scriptworks. There are other opportunities for our offering to perform in the “Best of the Week” show on Saturday, February 6th, if we make the cut! And then there’s a “Best of Fest” week at the end of the festival as well (Feb 9-13). The cast is as follows (in alphabetical order): Earl Ameen, Stephen Bittrich, Chase Brewer, Claire Grasso, and Jeb Kendrick. Check out this feature in The Austin Chronicle where I got some print space.