"DESERT ISLAND" SETTING: A small desert island in the South Pacific. Well, deserted save one. AT RISE: ALEX -- who can be either male or female in the casting -- is sitting in tattered, dirty attire on the shoreline... depressed and despondent. Suddenly, he/she spots something out in the ocean. ALEX What? That can’t be... no. That’s not--
(Alex leaps up excitedly.) ALEX (CONT'D) HELLOOOOOOOOOO! HELLOOO, THERE! AHOY! (Beat) Oh no. CAN YOU MAKE IT? ARE YOU OKAY? (Beat) No, no, no, no, no. This isn’t happening.... it’s gonna be too... THE RIPTIDE! THE RIPTIDE IS REALLY -- CAREFUL!
(Alex takes off his/her watch, perhaps the one last vestige of civilization and places it on a little rickety crate which acts as a beach table.) ALEX (CONT'D) Okay, okay. I’M COMING! HANG ON! I’M COMING!
(Alex braces for action, takes a deep breath, then heads downstage -- toward the “water.” ALEX (CONT'D) Come on! Breathe, damn you! Breathe!
(Morgan finally spits up water. Alex is ecstatic with joy. Human contact after all these years! MORGAN Oh my! Wonderful. Just terrific. ALEX Nothing but the best for you, my friend. MORGAN I can’t thank you enough. ALEX (Getting choked up) Our circumstances may be dire, but we have each other. I can’t tell you how thankful I am to... see another human again. MORGAN And how long exactly have you been here? ALEX 2247. Over six long years I’ve been here. That palm tree over there tells the story, my friend -- my new friend. I carved out a notch for every day I sat hopelessly on this island waiting for help to arrive. MORGAN Amazing. Well, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my life. I don’t know if I’d have been able-- ALEX No need. No need. Of course I’m going to save you. Of course. And that riptide is treacherous! You know, you can be washed straight back out to sea... or dashed on those rocks over there. You need every ounce of strength-- MORGAN And I was out of strength! ALEX -- I could see that from here! I will say, I’ve not braved that rip tide in quite some time, since my last raft attempt got dashed -- literally dashed. But no matter. What is that? A small risk in the grand scheme of things. I’m glad to have you as my guest. (Mini-beat) Guest? What am I saying? Co-inhabiter. Co-owner. Right down the middle. What’s mine is yours. MORGAN Well, I am lucky indeed to... I mean, if one must be stranded in the South Pacific, then certainly to have generous and lovely company makes the situation not quite so harrowing. ALEX (Overlapping Morgan) That is the truth. I mean, if we must be marooned.... MORGAN (Overlapping Alex) Wow, this is delicious! Is it... what kind of... ALEX Well, you have your mango slices, of course. Quite a few fertile mango trees on the southern side of the island, thankfully. And that little baby is a Cetoscarus ocellatus, otherwise commonly known as a Spotted Parrotfish. MORGAN Well, I’ll say! So knowledgable. ALEX I was lucky in that. There was a fish book in a chest of items that survived the wreck. I learned quite a bit about the various creatures of the ocean. My only book. MORGAN That was fortunate. And it tastes divine... especially now after having been without food and water so long... just drifting with the current. ALEX Oh boy. But you’re feeling strong now? Stronger? MORGAN Thanks to you, friend. I am. ALEX So, now that you’ve regained your bearings, may I ask... how did you end up...? MORGAN Fell overboard! ALEX What? Overboard... wow. MORGAN Or I was pushed. I’m a little fuzzy on the details. I had been drinking. But I’m not ruling out that somebody didn’t push me! ALEX Oh my. And about how many days do you think you...? MORGAN I got a little woozy toward the end, but about 6 days, I’d say. ALEX Well, that is about the limit. It is. You’re very lucky. Body needs water. MORGAN Yes. (Beat) I did drink my own-- ALEX Oh no no no, you don’t want to do that. MORGAN I didn’t want to. ALEX I mean your body is trying to eliminate certain elements. You don’t want to put them back in. MORGAN It wasn’t ideal. ALEX No. But now you have fresh rain water, collected from my own little -- excuse me -- pardon me -- our little pond. Drink deep, my friend. Savor it.
(Morgan drinks, slurping with a homemade straw.) MORGAN Ah! Refreshing! ALEX And I insist you take my bed tonight. MORGAN Oh no, I couldn’t. ALEX No, no. I insist. You need your rest. Tomorrow we’ll see what materials we can pull together to make another bed. I’m getting quite expert at making island bunks. MORGAN Well... much appreciated. You are a saint. ALEX (Overlapping Morgan) Wow... such a miracle. I’m still just in awe-- MORGAN (Overlapping Alex) I can't tell you how lucky I feel to have been washed up-- ALEX All in your perspective, isn’t it? You’re alive! Right? And you’ve got a friend. Believe you me, being alone, utterly alone, can drive you to the brink of sanity. You start to talk to... inanimate objects. MORGAN I can imagine. ALEX Not a pretty sight. (Beat) So is anyone missing you back at the boat? Or back home? A spouse? MORGAN No, no. But... well, my mother, I suppose. She will miss me. We haven’t been very close lately. ALEX Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. No children? MORGAN No. Not yet. Maybe one day, but I hadn’t gotten around to it yet. ALEX I so long to hear news from home. Sometimes, you know, I’ll make up little news reports... like I’m a TV news anchor. Just to keep from going coo-coo. Ha ha! “Good evening. Welcome to the news of the world...” MORGAN No news out here! That’s for sure! ALEX Ha ha! True! Six years. So many things change in six years. I’ve probably shed my skin about 50 times in six years. These are the things I think about. And who knows what scientific advances have been made. It all happens so quickly. Some trendy new gadget or other. And well, six years... I imagine there’s a new leader. MORGAN Nope. Reelected. Thank God. Still making us “number one again.” ALEX Sorry, you say, what? MORGAN He [She] was reelect -- ALEX Making us “number one again”? Surely you can’t mean you... Morgan, my dear new friend, you can’t tell me you supported that horrible, crooked -- MORGAN Wait, wait, I don’t understand. Alex, are you saying to me you don’t want our country to be number one again? ALEX I’m not saying that! Don’t twist my... and you know, I don’t know that we haven’t always been number one. MORGAN We were slipping down, Alex, nay, tumbling down when the previous putz was in charge! ALEX Okay... uh... maybe we should... let’s just take a breath here, my friend. MORGAN My “friends” want us to be number one again. Those are my kind of friends.
(Long pause.) ALEX You racist. MORGAN I -- am -- not! How dare you, you welfare loving, tree hugging wimp. ALEX You war-mongering, xenophobic dunce! MORGAN You... socialist! ALEX Yeah, right, oh that’s typical. That’s the stock argument, isn’t it? Well done. MORGAN You want the government to wipe your butt for you. But people with a modicum of sense want less government-- ALEX Well, you’ll get a whole lot less out here! Tell you what, my friend, just to prove to you that I’m not a socialist -- as a socialist would share everything equally with you -- you can catch your own damned Spotted Parrotfish!
(Alex takes Morgan’s food and starts stuffing it down his/her own face.) MORGAN Typical spoiled brat mentality. An Indian giver. Things don’t go your way, and -- (Like a baby crying--) -- waaah, waaah, waaah! ALEX On my island, we use politically correct idiomatic expressions, racist. We don’t say “Indian Giver.” It’s offensive. MORGAN Oh God. Thicken up that tissue paper skin, Dainty Bloomers. Typical of the maturity level of your socialist party. ALEX Tell you what, baby, I am pure capitalist. If you want to sleep on MY bed and eat MY food from now on, you’re going to have to pay! MORGAN And what exactly is the currency on this shit hole island? ALEX I’m not sure yet, but you can bet your sweet butt a whole set of laws -- laid down by the king -- will be forthcoming. MORGAN If you don’t have a Constitution in place, maybe we should just divide this place in half, and you stay on your half of the island, and I’ll-- ALEX Nope! Sorry! This island is all MINE! I planted my flag first. Them’s da rules. Deal with it, Mr. [or Miss] Late to the Party. MORGAN I don’t see any flag. ALEX There. There it is. Flying proud.
(Alex salutes the “flag.”) MORGAN That looks like your underwear drying. ALEX FLAG! And this country is... Alex-isle... nope, Alex-tropolis. You are in Alex-tropolis now. Get used to it, trespasser. That’s the way the world works right? The bold aggressor wins. Screw the meek. MORGAN Two can play at that game. ALEX Ya think, pee drinker? In your current weakened state, you couldn’t walk the beach -- forget about storming it. If you even live, it is because of my great beneficence. MORGAN I may be weak... but everyone has to sleep.
(Beat.) ALEX I should just kill you right now, you sneaky middle-of-the-night bushwhacker.
(Morgan’s voice starts to waver.) MORGAN I’m just looking out for number one. ALEX Yeah, that’s what your whole party does!!! MORGAN You’re no different than me. Take stock, my friend. Take stock. ALEX I am different! MORGAN We all look out for number one. ALEX Man, humanity sucks! I thought I missed human contact. I thought I needed people, but I don’t! (Beat) And I am different. MORGAN So am I. I can’t be put in a box. ALEX Looking for me? You’ll find me outside the box. Always. That’s my address!
(Pause. Morgan begins to cry.) ALEX (CONT'D) Won’t be number one anytime soon if you’re crying like a big baby. MORGAN I’m so tired. Are you really going to kill me? After saving my life? ALEX (Beat, sighing, softening) No. Of course not. I would never... we don’t... (Beat) I do good. I used to do good in the world. I think... MORGAN Me too... I think.
(Pause. Alex looks up into the sky. It would be awesome to have a shooting star lighting effect.) ALEX Did you see that? MORGAN Shooting star? Oh! Three of them! ALEX Miraculous... it’s like you could almost touch it. MORGAN So clear and bright. Wonder if anyone else out there saw them. ALEX It’s possible. Maybe someone out there on the horizon. MORGAN I wonder what they’re doing right now. ALEX We all live under the same starry sky, under the same vast universe... MORGAN ... goes on and on forever... ALEX ... an infinite mystery. MORGAN Until it collides with heaven. ALEX Hmmm. Tell you what... my friend... let’s not go there tonight, shall we? MORGAN You’re right. Best not go there. Not tonight. ALEX We’ve got time. That’s all we’ve got. All the time in the world to figure these things out.
(Lights fade to black as a star streaks across the sky.) (END OF PLAY) |
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